Captain’s UniversityTM was built to empower teams to provide leaders the tools to be successful. The leadership program was created through the challenges that leaders face as they step into their role.
As a former Division 1 soccer captain, Captain’s UniversityTM Founder, Anja Koehler, learned first-hand the critical nature of receiving the necessary tools to ensure a player’s success in confidently leading their team. The Captain’s University Leadership program delivers curriculum in three modules.
Use the platform to help your players discover their leadership strengths and develop into stronger leaders for their team. Captain’s UniversityTM uses the Leadership Assessment to give players and coaches clarity on players’ natural strengths as a leader. Other Clarity courses dive into Team legacy and Goal setting.
Communications courses aim to support coaches and players to execute goals with discipline, learn how teammates are best motivated, and how to communicate when it is most crucial.
The Confidence Module aims to aid new leaders as they step into their leadership role with little experience. Confidence courses provide the tools necessary to make a new leader more effective and confident in their role.
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